901-286-5522 contact@33cm.org

In Case of Emergency Club for Financial Emergencies
Private group · 107 members


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We are the “In Case of Emergency Club”

We have helped 120 Families and counting and as of 01/17/20 have provided $59,965 in help.

Want to join us? …


In Case of Emergency Club! As of 6/04/23, we have helped 252 families for a total of $115,00! Want to join us?

and our FAQs PDF https://drive.google.com/file/d/1uvGgyl40_aQVFAYQnVnoqco_2f7W9J_8/view

When a new ask is approved we provide the details and ask all members to send $5 to the email provided and mark “Going in the Event”

Many members prefer to auto-pay and have the admin mark going for them. You can auto-pay here. https://www.1kgroups.com/auto-pilot-i-c-e/

Here is a Thank you from a family we helped. https://youtu.be/i1pEYzINRPU

Our Emergency “Ask” form is in our group. At the bottom of this page you will find an example of our form. 

If you don’t do Facebook but still want to join us here is the place to register and we will email you when a “Ask” comes in. https://forms.gle/fmbQeJw9Ano5gxxdA



Members Only I.C.E. Club Urgent Request Max Request $400 
Tell us about your person in urgent need.
i.c.e.clubincaseofemergency@gmail.com Switch account
Not shared
Member Name*

Cell Number*



(Private) Name of Person Asking For.*



Group Members PayPal email address*

Venmo Name

CashApp Cash Tag

Zelle email or cell number

Ask amount $100 – $425*

(Private) Please describe the urgent need*
Live Encounter- Where and when did you meet the person with the urgent need.*
Orient Yourself- Are you safe to be able to help the person in need? Or do you need someone to accompany you?*
Verify The Need – What steps did you take to verify the need?*
Effective – Is the amount being asked for going to effectively solve the urgent need? Please explain how.*
“Ask” Story we can share with the group – Please share enough information without revealing identity that we can post on our group wall.*


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