901-286-5522 contact@33cm.org

In Case of Emergency Club FAQ’s


is the purpose of the group?


the name the I.C.E. Club 200 x $5 = $1000?

How is it done?

I submitted my Ask more than 24 hours ago

what is going on?

What is the maximum that can be asked for?

How many asks per week?

Is every “Ask” accepted?

How are the “Asks” assessed?

Where is the Ask Form?

Why is it a closed group?

Why should the Receiver not know it is from

a group?

So, I’m all in and it feels like I have

$1,000 in my bank account to help people should I go in search of someone in


Do the people we are asking for need to

have any qualifications?

Is there anyone that does not qualify for

an Ask?

Why Facebook?

Why through PayPal?

Where is the how-to-PayPal video?

Why do we need a PayPal debit card?


is the purpose of the group?

To provide immediate relief to an urgent financial

need.  The intention is not to save any

individual or group. The focus is to shine the light of God’s infinite Love by

alleviating individual occurrences of situational poverty.



the name the In Case of Emergency Club 200 x $5 = $1000?

 At times the need is beyond what we ourselves

can or should fill.  Pooling the

resources of 100-1000 open hearts creates a work that lightens the burdens of

not one urgent need, but dozens, hundreds, thousands over time. 


How is it done?

Once the member

has gone through the steps of discernment we are acronyming L.O.V.E.(explained

in the ask form) for themselves the next step is to fill out the Ask Form as completely

as possiblehttp://tiny.cc/icerequest.

The Form is submitted to the moderators.

The decision on the Ask will be made within 24-hours.  If there are questions a moderator will

contact you for clarity, it is important to try to be available for this.  Once the Ask is approved it will be posted on

the group page and members will be expected to respond within 24- hours.  The PayPal funds are available immediately to

the PayPal debit card.  After the funds

are dispensed to the Receiver please come give ICE Club members a Smile by

giving a one-time only very simple update. Please use the Smile Form which you

can find here http://tiny.cc/askupdate.

To recap:

1.  L.O.V.E

2.  Ask Form

3.  Moderators

4.  Rejected -revise the Ask Form or accept

moderators decision as final.

5.  Accepted: Posted Ask on the Group page.

6.  PayPal Funds available to alleviate the need.

7.  Update members with an Group Smile.


I submitted my Ask more than 24 hours ago

what is going on?

 We won’t do more than 1 Ask a week in order to

keep the resource burden on our members, being both time and money, as a

minimum. This is all volunteer, no one has to be here, so we need to appreciate

everyone’s charity.  That said you can

contact the administrators currently Bryan Watson, Susie Lovato, and Bill



What is the maximum that can be asked for?

  The maximum is $1,000 per Ask.  Each situation is different.  It is important that we understand that one

should not bring an Ask for $1,000 when $400 is what is needed.  The moderators are not going to be willing to

Ask our members to give that which is not warranted and God’s providence allows

for others to give as well.  Strive for

honesty and clarity in order to ensure the Ask is approved.


How many asks per week?

The maximum for

the entire group is 1.  The maximum per person is 1.


Is every “Ask” accepted?

No. The

moderators prayerfully discern each Ask.

Most are accepted.  If there is a

red flag you will be contacted and given the chance to clarify.  The most common reason for rejection is either

there are too many already in the cue, or there is not enough information given

to discern a specific need with a specific amount.


 How are the “Asks” assessed?

The ICE Club Moderators

assess the clarity of the Ask Form and prayerfully discern within



Where is the Ask Form?



Why is it a closed group?

Privacy and

security for both the member and the receiver of the Ask money.


Why should the Receiver not know it is from

a group?

Again, it is to

ensure the privacy and security of others who have received assistance and the ICE

Club group members.  In addition, it

compromises the purpose of the group which is to address individual occurrences

of situational poverty not to stipend someone’s monthly bill or to receive Asks

from those who are not members of the ICE Club.


So, I’m all in and it feels like I have

$1,000 in my bank account to help people should I go in search of someone in


No.  We assume that everyone on here is not only a

person of great charity and loving heart, but of faith and discernment.  God will bring those whom He desires to help

through this group.  It may not ever be

through an Ask coming from you, it may be through your willingness to

give.  If He desires to have you Ask it

will be someone in need that He specifically brings to you or your attention.


Do the people we are asking for need to

have any qualifications?

No, being a

human being in need, is enough.


Is there anyone that does not qualify for

an Ask.

Yes, animals, endangered

or homeless, (there are other organizations for them) businesses and organizations

either charitable, not-for-profit or otherwise.


Why Facebook?

   It is a social media able to easily handle a

group with lots of traffic and media without having a separate website to


Why through PayPal?

There is no fee

to transfer funds through friends and family.

It is one of the most secure ways to transfer money.


Where is the how-to-PayPal video?



Why do we need a PayPal debit card?

Once a member’s

Ask is approved and posted to members on the Extra Mile funds will be deposited

in the Asker’s PayPal.  It can take up to

3 days for those funds to be transferred into one’s bank.  With the PayPal Debit card PayPal funds are

quickly available and can be cashed out to be given to the Receiver or used

directly to pay for the item or service for the which the funds were intended.

In order to receive a PayPal debit card you will need to upgrade for free to a

PayPal business account.  There is not

fee associated with this upgrade.

